Sunday, November 30, 2014

What makes a community?

The main ingredient in a community is family. People work together with many different diversities and cultural differences to connect on a personal level. The people work together and help each other when it’s needed. They are always there for each other. Many have traditional views of a community. Not only the logical definition of living in the same location but treating each other like a family. Most would say it is hard to treat someone like family because of trust and gaining trust from a stranger. But when people see the good in others and are always having the best interest it could be helpful to everyone. When community members treat each other like a family and with respect it could benefit people. For instance neighbor look out for each other if there is odd activity occurring near your home like a burglary. Community members could also b a great opportunity for networking. When thinking about a good community you do not needs to conclude into thinking of a utopia where people do everything together and dine, play, and clean their yards at the same time and same way. A community is more than what society expects us to be. It is about the people the way we treat one another. 

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